Neeraj Chopra made it to the finals of the World Athletics Championships 2023

Indian athlete Neeraj Chopra performed brilliantly in the World Athletics Championship 2023.

He has made it to the finals of the Men's Javelin Throw event.

He has also qualified for the Paris Olympics.

The Paris Olympics will be held from July 26 to August 11 next year.

Neeraj threw the javelin to a distance of 88.77 meters in the first attempt.

The final match of the World Athletics Championship being held in Sweden will be held on 27 August.

Neeraj has given his best performance in the current season

He threw the javelin to a distance of 78.1 meters in the first attempt.

In the second attempt, he threw the javelin to a distance of 81.31 meters.

Neeraj tops Group A in men's javelin throw event at World Championships 2023